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Greek Names - Chi

χ - Chi

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Gentle as a caress.


Bringing happiness to the people.

Bringing happiness to the people.

Fighting for happiness.

Bringing happiness to the city.

Bringing happiness to the people.

Bringing happiness to the people.

Bringing happiness to the army.

Bringing happiness to the army.

Bringing happiness to the army.

A friend of happiness.

Beaming with joy. Happy.

Bringing happiness to the people.

Bringing happiness to (the) god(s).

Of a happy disposition.

A happy equestrian, or, of a happy horse.

A happy equestrian, or, of a happy horse.

A happy equestrian, or, of a happy horse.

A happy equestrian, or, of a happy horse.

With a happy purpose.

Of a happy disposition.

Possibly, one who makes guests happy.

She who brings happiness to the city.

Having joy and valor.

A friend of happiness.

Beaming with joy. Happy.

A man with long hair.

With long and flowing hair.

With long and flowing hair.

With long and flowing hair.

With long and flowing hair.

With long and flowing hair.

 One who bridles horses.

 One who bridles horses.

Of copper, possibly parsimonious.

Of copper, possibly parsimonious.

Having eyes that shine like copper.

 Of copper.

Of a mouth, or of a goose.

Gape-mouthed line a sea-perch.

Gape-mouthed line a sea-perch.

Perhaps, of a talkative people.

Of chaos.

Joy, happiness.

Of a vineyard.

She who shines from happiness.

She who shines from happiness.

One who penetrates shields.

Penetrating, sharp.

Of a happy appearance.

Rejoicing victory.

Brining joy to the people.

Happy and blossoming.

Happy and blossoming.

Projecting happiness.

Of a happy life.

Of a happy knowledge.

Of a happy knowledge.

Of a happy origin.

Possibly, happily bearing a torch.

Brining joy to the people.

Brining joy to the people.

She who charms the people.

He who charms the people.

He who charms the people.

Of a pleasing appearance.

Charming and glorious.

Charming and glorious.

Famous for one’s charm.

Charming and glorious.

Charming and glorious.

Charming and glorious.

Charming and glorious.

She who bring joy to the people.

He who bring joy to the people.

He who bring joy to the people.

She who bring joy to the people.

Gracefully glorious.

He who bring joy to the people.

He who bring joy to the people.

Gracefully lionesque.

 A total charmer.

One who fights using charm as his weapon.

Charming and bold.

Charming and myrtle-like.

Thoughtful and charming.

Gracefully nostalgic.

Graceful towards guests.

Graceful towards guests.

Graceful equestrian.

Graceful equestrian.

Graceful equestrian.

With a graceful purpose.

Graceful and honorable.

With a graceful voice.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A charming and happy man.

A charming and happy man.

A charming and opponent.

A charming and opponent.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A charming and joyful spirit.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming horseman.

A joyful, charming woman.

A joyful, charming woman.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming ruler.

Of a joyful, people, or, one who brings joy to the people.

A joyful, charming fellow.

A joyful, charming fellow.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

With a happy demeanor.

Possibly, a scribe.

Possibly, a scribe.

He who bring joy to the people.

He who bring joy to the people.

Joyful, not what one would expect from the ferryman of Styx.

Possibly, one who feeds the cattle.

Torrentially flowing.

Of the winter.

A virtuous handler of things.

A handler, an administrator.

Skilled with the hands.

Possibly turtle-like.

A cultivator, possibly of barren land.

Possibly, a farmer.

A terrestrial, non-seafaring person.

A skilled cultivator of land.

A cultivator, possibly of barren land.

Possibly, glossy.

Possibly, glossy.

A person deprived of material things.

A person deprived of material things.

Wanting horses.

Wanting woodland.

Bereaved, wanting.

Wanting horses.


Millicent, commander.

Possibly, one who feeds the cattle.

Of snow.

Of moss, grass.

Grassy, green.

Related to a pig.

Related to a pig.

Related to a pig.

Related to a pig.

Related to a pig.

Choragus, sponsor.

Choragus, sponsor.

Of or belonging to a chorus or dance.

A chorus or dance instructor.

Choragus, sponsor.

Of or belonging to a chorus or dance.

Victorious with h echorus.

Of good service.

Of good service.

Of good service.

Of good service.

Of good service.

Of good service.

Chosen, anointed.

Possibly, colorful.

Possibly, colorful.

Related to time.

 Chronic, related to time.

Of golden sand.

Of a golden flower.

Of a golden dawn.

Of a golden dawn.

Of a golden dawn.

Wearing golden ornaments.

 Of golden love.

Of a golden people.

Of a golden people.

Of a golden people.

Of a golden people.

Of a gold horse.

Of a gold horse.

Of a golden provenance.

Of a golden provenance.

Of a golden provenance.

Of a golden people.

Of a horse-like color or complexion.

Possibly, of beautiful complexion.

Colorful, adding colors.

Colorful, adding colors.

Colorful, adding colors.

Skittish and unruly.

Colorful, adding colors.


 One who honors a place.

One who cling to a place or spot and haunts it.